Alonso Rimo, Alberto

University of Valencia


Dr. Alberto Alonso Rimo is Tenured Professor of Criminal Law at the School of Law, University of Valencia (Spain). He holds a degree in law (prize for distinction), 1993, and a PhD in law (and prize for outstanding doctoral dissertation) 2000 from the University of Valencia.
He has been a visiting researcher in several foreign universities and research centres: Max-Planck-Institut für Strafrecht (Germany), Harvard University (USA), Università di Modena (Italy), New York University (USA) and Oxford University (UK).
At the moment he leads a research project (DER2016-77-947-R, AEI/FEDER, UE) on "Preventive Criminal Justice and protection of Public Order", composed of 25 researchers from different Spanish and International universities, and he also coordinates an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Valencia on "Dangerous Offenders" (GIUV2015-261). Other research areas include: terrorism offences and fundamental rights, criminalization of social protest, criminal security measures, crimes against road safety, sexual offences, public disorders, the role of the victim in the criminal justice system. He is author and editor of several books and he has published a large number of papers. He has worked as a deputy judge in Spain.
