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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author/s have read the Journal's policies, specifically the Editorial policy, the Ethics and Malpractice Statement and the Journal’s Copyright notice, copyright permissions and the Journal's policy on Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC). These all ensure the submission has not been previously published in full or in part (including via a conference), nor is it before another journal for consideration. If your submission is available on a preprint platform please let the editor know in the ‘Comments for the Editor’ having noted the Preprint Policy Preprint Policy
    Where a paper extends an earlier published work, please make this explicit in your submission. All articles submitted to the Journal will be subject to checks for plagiarism using iThenticate - plagiarism detection software.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word. Please do not upload PDFs
  • Details for all authors have been provided which includes an email address and institutional affiliation.
  • All information or text that could identify the author/s (and their institution/s) has been removed for the 'anonymous' version of the submission. Please note - de-identification means the identity of the author/s and the institution/s must be removed (or replaced in the text with a marker such as 'XXX'). Important: When saving your word document, please ensure the author/s name are deleted - this is usually under the area where you 'save as type' (just click in this box and delete name).
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. An additional document should be uploaded with figures and/or images displayed independent of the text to assist with layout editing. Reuse of images or graphics from another source, you need permission from the copyright owner. Please consult guidelines for information on tables and figures/images and illustrations.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and complies with the APA 7th citation and referencing system.
  • Any URLs in the body of the submission or in the reference list have been checked as active.
  • Attempted to include Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) where possible in the reference list. This Journal uses CrossRef - a reference linking service. Submissions will be returned if there is no attempt to include a DOI that pre-exists for a journal article reference
  • Inclusion of an ‘Acknowledgement’ section has indicated the source of research funding or other institutional support that facilitated the research (if applicable).
  • The submission has been proof-read and edited in a professional way and is believed to be publication-ready. EndNote Library has been disabled.

Author Guidelines

Please download Author Guidelines



Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have adhered to the following guidelines for presentation.

  1. Register as an Author first.
  2. Manuscripts should be uploaded electronically, using one of the preferred formats: Microsoft Word or compatible word document.
  3. To ensure anonymity in the review process, remove names of authors or institutions in the abstract and body of the manuscript. Important: When saving your word document prior to submission, please ensure the author/s name are deleted - this is usually under the area where you 'save as type' (just click in this box and delete name). You can also inspect the document via 'Properties/Word Options to delete information that could identify you.
  4. Details for all authors should be provided when you register to submit your article under metadata.A short bio should also be included and is important as once published, these details are displayed on the abstract page of the Journal. You may also include an ORCID ID


  1. Articles should be between 6,000-8,000 words in length. An exact word length should be indicated at the beginning of the manuscript. Articles longer than 8,000 words (including abstract, appendices and references) may not be considered for review and publication.
  2. Authors are reminded that the Journal’s focus is broad and international, and manuscripts should be written with this in mind.
  3. The manuscript should also include an abstract of no more than 150 words
  4. Please also include three to six key words.

SPECIAL ISSUES - Interested in curating a special issue for the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy?  Please review the Expression of Interest (EOI) form and email Chief Editor Professor John Scott crimjournal@qut.edu.au

As well as the theme, the EOI should include a short biography for each editor and proposed contributors. The Journal Editorial team will assist with the call for submissions. Guest Editor(s), in liaison, with the Journal Editorial team, will ensure articles are within the scope of the Journal themes.

The double-blind peer review policy requires a minimum of two independent reviews. The review process will be determined in consultation between the Editorial team and the Guest Editor(s).

Submissions reviewed, accepted and finalised for the special issue should be sent to the Journal Manager and cc-ed to the Chief Editor(s) who will conduct a final review for suitability.

Guest Editor(s) are provided with appropriate information (Guest Editor Guidelines and EOI template) to assist with the workflow.


The IJCJSD’s book review editors, Professor Avi Brisman and Professor Marília de Nardin Budó, invite scholars to review books.

Book Review Guidelines

Reviews should not be descriptive or summarise content, but provide a critical evaluation and/or analysis of the book and its contribution to the field. It is not just about the ‘what?’, but also about the ‘so what?’ factor of the book. Reviews should be written for a non-specialist audience and outline the strengths and any weaknesses of the book, taking into account the author/s aims in writing the book and supporting any evaluation of the book with relevant evidence. In evaluating the contribution of the book you might consider the thesis and/or purpose of the book, authors expertise, relationship of the book with other work in its field, use of evidence, its intended audience, its scope and structure. A typical structure for a book review consists of introduction, background information, summary of the books main points, evaluation of the book and conclusion.

Book reviews are a maximum of 1,200 words and are generally not fewer than 900 words in length.

Please format reviews as follows:

  • Double spaced
  • 12 times new roman point font
  • Save manuscript as a word document
  • Avoid use of citations and footnotes
  • Submit book reviews via email crimjournal@qut.edu.au and address to book review editors Professor Avi Brisman and Professor Marília de Nardin Budó for their consideration

At the top of the review, please provide the following information:

  • book author/s,
  • publication date,
  • title,
  • place of publication,
  • publisher,
  • ISBN.

Reviewers name, affiliation, a short biography and contact details should also be provided.

Download Book Review Guidelines


Referencing in the manuscript should follow the standard APA 7th style (Endnotes instead of footnotes is the only variation from APA accepted):

General referencing ‘rules’

  1. If there are more than three authors, the first name followed by ‘et al.’ is permissible in the text but all the authors’ names should be spelt out in full in the reference list (up to 20 authors).
  2. All citations in the text and notes must be specified by the authors’ last names and date of publication together with page numbers if direct quotations are used (for example, Currie, 2010, pp. 50-51).
  3. Enclose within a single pair of parentheses a series of references, separated by semicolons (for example, Carrington, 2010; Walters, 2003).
  4. Please order alphabetically by author surname.
  5. Use endnotes, not footnotes.
  6. If using an EndNote Library to organise your reference list, please disable this prior to submission to allow for any future copyediting work.

The reference list

The reference list should be included at the end of the manuscript. Please provide DOIs for all journal articles that have them (URL string preferred – https://doi. …).

The following examples are based on APA 7th styles to be used for the reference list.  Please refer to QUT cite|write for further examples https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/qutcite.html#apa.


Young, R. (1990). White mythologies: Writing history and the west. Routledge.

Book chapter:

Goldsmith, A. (2006). Crimes across borders. In A. Goldsmith, M. Israel, & K. Daly (Eds.), Crime and justice: A guide to criminology (pp. 219-225). Law Book Co.

Journal article (include DOIs if available as a URL string):

Aas, F. (2012). The earth is one but the world is not: Criminological theory and its geopolitical divisions. Theoretical Criminology, 16(1), 5-20. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1362480611433433

Tomsen, S., & Gadd, D. (2019). Beyond honour and achieved hegemony: Violence and the everyday masculinities of young men. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 8(2), 17–30. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.v8i2.1117

Journal article published ahead of issue:

Poynting, S. (2020). “Islamophobia kills”. But where does it come from? International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.v9i2.1258

Website (only use ‘Retrieved from’ if the content changes):

National Center for Professional Certification. (2002). Factors affecting organizational climate and retention. www.cwla.org./programmes/triechmann/2002fbwfiles


Axford, J.C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacific Island community conserved areas? [Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland]. UQ eSpace. http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:158747


If cases, legislation or treaties are cited in text, please add these under the reference list in chronological order. 

APA 7th refers to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for referencing legislation (we recommend their Quick Style Guide). The rules in Table 2 of the Bluebook match the APA 7th instructions.

For Australian legislation, the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (3rd ed.) can be used. Please see examples at QUT cite|write.

Figures and Tables

Illustrations, charts and tables should be used sparingly. If included, they should be numbered and clearly referenced in the text. They can be in colour or black and white. Tables and figures should be legible at a width of the standard A4 page.

On submission, they should be placed at their preferred location in the manuscript and also in a separate file to assist with layout editing. For tables and figures (illustrations and charts), the title should be above and align to APA 7th presentation. Tables or charts created using Excel should also be sent as Excel files (in addition to the layout in Word).

If you reuse images or graphics from another source, you need permission from the copyright owner. Mention this permission in the image title and always cite the original source, even if the image is not copyrighted or can be reused freely.

Please download Author Guidelines

For all queries, please contact the Journal direct crimjournal@qut.edu.au


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Personal information (as that term is defined in the Information Privacy Act 2009) collected by the journal will be used exclusively for publication purposes and unless required by law, will not be shared with any other party.

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