Fajrini, Rika

Indonesian Center for Environmental Law


Rika obtained her master degree from Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies University of Kyoto in 2017 with the research topic on access and benefit sharing of genetic resource and traditional knowledge, during the study she conducted Internship at ASEAN Center for Biodiversity (ACB). Previously, she graduated from Universitas Indonesia Law School in 2013 with a focus on law, society and development. She joined Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) in 2013 and since then she has been working on environmental law enforcement advocacy as well as capacity building for civil society and law enforcers. She develops expertise in thematic issues of forest and land governance especially on biodiversity law, environmental damage and liability, indigenous people and local communities' access to natural resources. She is also involved in the WILDS project where she works with scientists and conservationists to develop conservation litigations as tools to hold responsible parties liable to remedy harm to biodiversity. Her current research is on the linkage of science and the law, especially on how science is presented in the court and affecting legal decisions. 
