Sebire, Jacqueline

Bedfordshire Police

United Kingdom

Assistant Chief Constable Jacqueline Sebire joined Bedfordshire Police in February 2016 prior to this appointment the majority of her service was as a detective in homicide and serious crime investigations in the Metropolitan Police. She was the senior investigating officer for a number for a number of high profile cases including the ‘Spy in the bag’ case and the conviction of Britain’s youngest hit man. She has also served in the London Boroughs of Newham, Hackney and, prior to transferring to Bedfordshire, was the Temporary Borough Commander for Waltham Forest.

Jacqueline has a PhD in Forensic Psychology and in January 2016 was appointed a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge. She has published a number of articles in relation to domestic abuse and risk management and lectured nationally and internationally regarding her research. She is a member of the European Union Cooperation in Science and Technology Working Group on Femicide prevention. She has also advised the Police Service of Trinidad and Tobago on best practice in Homicide Investigation. In March 2019 was invited to speak at the United Nations, New York, Commission on the Status of Women regarding community cohesion and women’s access to justice.

Jacqueline is the National Police Chief’s Council Serious Violence Co-ordinator and has worked extensively with the Government regarding legislation change, funding and multiagency prevention strategies. Jacqueline as extensive media experience. She has been a co-host of the TV series “Born to Kill; A Class Of Their Own” and is the Bedfordshire Police lead for Garden Productions 24 hours in Police Custody Series.
