
New Editor


The editorial team are very pleased to welcome new editor Professor Rowena Maguire.

Professor Maguire is Director of the QUT Centre for Justice at QUT (Queensland University of Technology), Brisbane Australia.  

Rowena is an active research leader and interdisciplinary scholar who undertakes research in collaboration with industry, community, and interdisciplinary university partners. She enjoys work that is connected to ground, and which has the potential to influence change. Rowena also coordinates and teaches environmental law and supervisors higher degree research students working on projects on climate and disaster governance, circular economy and waste, human rights and the environment and feminist approaches to environmental governance.    

Welcome Rowena!

John Scott and David Rodríguez Goyes (Chief Editors); Avi Brisman (Book Editor); Marília de Nardin Budó (Book Editor), and Tracy Creagh (Journal Manager)

Read More about announcement New Editor

Current Issue : Vol. 13 No. 4 (2024)

Published: 2024-12-02

Guest Editorial

  • Authors:Danielle Tyson, Bronwyn Naylor, Stella Tarrant

Special Issue: Successful Strategies to Improve Access to Justice

  • Authors:Harriet Wistrich, Pragna Patel
  • Authors:Elizabeth Sheehy, Kim Pate, Helen Naslund , Matthew Behrens , Mona Duckett, Jana G. Pruden
  • Authors:Stella Tarrant , Hannah McGlade , Carol Bahemia

The Journal invites 6-8000 word original submissions. Authors are asked to register, read the author guidelines, and agree to the ethics statement before submission. Peer review is usually 4-6 weeks.

International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy is included in:

  • Scopus - the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature
  • ARC Excellence in Research Australia
  • Australian Policy Online (APO) - open access knowledge hub and information service providing easy access to policy and practice research and resources
  • AustLII - online free-access resource for Australian legal information, AustLII is a joint facility of the UTS and UNSW Faculties of Law
  • DOAJ– an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals
  • EBSCO– EBSCOhost Research Databases
  • Google Scholar– a database that indexes websites and files of a scholarly nature
  • Informit - database of expert-curated, peer-reviewed content on education, law, business, health, humanities and Indigenous culture
  • Paperity– a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access journals and papers
  • ProQuest –world’s largest, multidisciplinary full-text database
  • Trove(National Library of Australia) - an aggregation of metadata, and a growing repository of full text digital resources originally published and made publicly available in Australia
  • Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)- the world's largest collection of research data, publications, and patents.


Chief Editors:

Professor John Scott, School of Justice, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia and Dr David Rodríguez Goyes, University of Oslo, Norway


Professor Rowena Maguire, Centre for Justice, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia

Book Reivew Editors: Professor Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University, United States and Professor Marília de Nardin Budó, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, Brazil

Journal Manager: Tracy Creagh, Office for Scholarly Communication, Queensland University of Technology, Australia