Special Edition: Discourses of Hate - Guest Editors' Introduction


Hate flourishes in an enabling environment; it is nourished by broadly circulating narratives of hostility and demonisation. This has become painfully clear in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States in 2016, where the ongoing xenophobic commentary embedded in his Twitter feeds, public speeches, and even policy initiatives has generated increased hostility directed toward Others throughout the nation. This special edition of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy aims to provide insights and analyses into public discourses of hate as found in political speech, popular expression, and media representations, inter alia. These narratives resonate with existing public sentiment around race, religion, gender, immigration, and an array of other flash points.

To access the full text of the introducton to this special issue on discourses of hate, download the accompanying PDF file.

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Published: 2018-06-01
Pages:1 to 3
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How to Cite
Perry, B. and Mason, G. (2018) “Special Edition: Discourses of Hate - Guest Editors’ Introduction”, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 7(2), pp. 1-3. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v7i2.521.
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Author Biographies

University of Ontario Institute of Technology


Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Gail Mason is Professor of Criminology at the University of Sydney. Gail’s research centres on crime, social justice and exclusion, particularly: racist and homophobic violence; hate crime law and punishment; and the legal construction of hatred. She is co-ordinator of the Australian Hate Crime Network and Chief Investigator on the ARC funded Hate Crime Law and Justice Project which is undertaking an international comparison of hate crime laws. She is also involved in funded research exploring cyber-racism, the policing of prejudice motivated crime and resilience amongst former-refugee communities in Australia. She was Director of the Sydney Institute of Criminology from 2008-2012.