Exploring the Impacts of Everyday Policing on Police Officers' Psychological, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing in Fiji
Police work is often fraught with challenging and traumatic experiences, which can be managed well by some officers, while others may be significantly affected and require assistance. Even those who typically cope well may be adversely affected by a specific incident. Incorporating cultural considerations in the Fijian context, this study examines the impacts of everyday policing on officers’ psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing. An online survey was used to obtain 101 police officers’ perceptions of challenging and stressful incidents, the impacts of such incidents on their wellbeing, and coping strategies used to deal with such incidents. The findings provide examples not only of everyday stressors, but also the traumatic incidents faced by police officers, which generate a range of negative impacts on their wellbeing. The article contributes to Pacific criminology and provides useful insights, with implications for policy and practice, to support and enhance the wellbeing of police officers.
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