The Police Practice of Resolving Domestic Violence in Fiji


Using the plural policing and Global South policing frameworks, this article examines police officers' actions when handling domestic violence (DV) cases in Fiji. Drawing on an empirical survey of 365 police officers, it discusses what police do when dealing with DV reports. The findings show, firstly, that the majority of police officers are aware of the zero-tolerance policy for DV. Secondly, the majority of police officers assert they do not implement the zero-tolerance policy when handling DV cases. Thirdly, police officers take DV cases seriously. Fourthly, officers say they encourage people to use traditional customary and religious ways of settling cases and proceed with further investigation and possible prosecution only if the victim insists. Theoretically, the findings show that police practise a plural policing method of resolving DV. The article empirically and theoretically contributes to the literature on plural policing of DV in Pacific Island countries. 

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, content in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Published: 2024-09-01
Pages:35 to 46
Section:Special Issue: The Emergence of a Pacific Criminology
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How to Cite
Chand , A. ., Karan , M. ., Mapuru, D. . . and Baba , U. . (2024) “The Police Practice of Resolving Domestic Violence in Fiji”, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 13(3), pp. 35-46. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.3604.

Author Biographies

Fiji National University

Anand is a Professor in Management and Acting Associate Dean (Research and Innovation) at the College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies, at the Fiji National University. Anand does research on labour studies, employment relations, human resource management, policing, community policing, and domestic violence. Anand has published two books and around 90 journal articles in high ranked journals.

The University of the South Pacific

Maureen is currently employed as a Lecturer at the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands.  Her research interests are in the areas of policing, human resources, employment relations, and public sector reform. Maureen has published around 15 journal articles in high ranked journals.

The University of the South Pacific

David is an Assistant Lecturer in the School of Business Management at the University of the South Pacific. He has research interests in several areas especially policing, tuna fisheries management, blue economy and traditional knowledge on women and climate change

Fiji National University

Professor Unaisi Baba is a Professor of Education and the Vice Chancellor of the Fiji National University, Fiji. Her research interests are in the areas of education, curriculum, gender issues, and domestic violence. Unaisi has published widely in high ranked journals.