Special Issue. The Social Protection of Women and Girls: Links to Crime and Justice at CSW63. Guest Editors' Introduction


We are pleased to introduce this special issue of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, titled ‘The Social Protection of Women and Girls: Links to Crime and Justice at CSW63’. This issue contains a selection of articles from presentations at a series of parallel and side events held at the Commission on the Status of Women’s 63rd session (CSW63) at the UN Headquarters in New York City, United States.

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Except where otherwise noted, content in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Published: 2020-02-24
Pages:1 to 6
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How to Cite
Ranjan, S., Barberet, R., Beichner, D. and Arnull, E. (2020) “Special Issue. The Social Protection of Women and Girls: Links to Crime and Justice at CSW63. Guest Editors’ Introduction”, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 9(1), pp. 1-6. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v9i1.1492.

Author Biographies

William Paterson University
 United States

Sheetal Ranjan is Professor in the Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice at William Paterson University, USA. She is the immediate-past chair of the Division on Women & Crime (DWC) of the American Society of Criminology and led the CSW63 participation in her term as DWC’s chair. Her research interests include violence prevention and intervention with a primary focus on applied research. She has received Federal funding from the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women ($600,000) to establish William Paterson University’s Campus Violence Prevention Program. Her most recent award in partnership with Jersey Shore University Medical Center ($2.4 million dollars) uses federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding to establish a hospital-based violence intervention program.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice
 United States

Rosemary Barberet is Professor in the Sociology Department of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, with teaching and service in International Criminal Justice.  A native of Connecticut, USA and trained in criminology in the United States (PhD, University of Maryland, 1994), she started her academic career in Europe (Spain and England). She has chaired the International Division of the American Society of Criminology and received the Herbert Bloch Award of the American Society of Criminology for service to the society and to the professional interests of criminology, as well as the Rafael Salillas Award of the Sociedad Española de Investigación Criminológica.  Her research interests include gender and crime and cross-cultural methodology, as evidenced by her book Women, Crime and Criminal Justice: A Global Enquiry (2014) and Metodología de Investigación en Criminología (Tirant lo Blanch, 2019).  From 2014-2018 she was the editor of Feminist Criminology. Dr. Barberet represents the International Sociological Association (ISA) and Criminologists Without Borders at the United Nations.

Illinois State University
 United States

Dawn Beichner is a Professor in the Criminal Justice Sciences Department and Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Illinois State University. Her research interests include victimology, women offenders in the criminal justice system, and prisoner reentry. Her current research centers on incarcerated mothers and the role of family reunification in women's successful re-entry into society. She is a member of the executive committee of the World Society of Victimology, an international nongovernmental organization with Special Category consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

University of Wolverhampton
 United Kingdom

Elaine Arnull is Associate Dean at the University of Wolverhampton, UK and Director of Social Work and Care. She is Vice Chair of the Division of Women and Crime, American Society of Criminology and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University Technology, Australia. Her work is international and collaborative. She has generated substantial research monies, led many multi-disciplinary investigations and received international press attention. Her research focusses on the margins around delinquency, justice and voice. Current research projects are concerned with the conceptualization of violence, young people and voice. She has authored books, journal articles and research monographs and her work can be accessed via https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0225-5109. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, qualified social worker and formerly a Probation Officer.